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Daily Archives: June 1, 2023

5 foods avoid that risk acne and wrinkles

5 foods avoid that risk acne and wrinkles

Foods avoid that risk acne and wrinkles t is caused by the sebaceous glands under the skin. Produce oil or sebum (Sebum) to maintain moisture in the skin. But if the product is produced too much, it will make us a woman in front of it Interfere with

“Turmeric”, a natural gift for women

Results from research on the properties of “turmeric” and “reduction of uterine fibroids”, which were studied in patients with uterine fibroids 35 people. Who were hospitalized in Bhumibol Adulyadej were given 1,200 mg of it per day for 6 months. And measure the tumor size by ultrasound before testing. And

7 tips to "write eyeliner" for beginners

7 tips to “write eyeliner” for beginners

Hello, Hello! Greetings to all my dear Sis girls. They must be relying on the power of makeup to help each other, right ??? Then one of the makeup steps that can help make your eyes look bigger, bigger and more striking. It is to write “eyeliner” to make the